poetry & poetics ︎︎︎︎
Talonbooks (2014)
[Excerpt from “Non-REM 3 and 4 Sleep, 6:19:10–6:19:43 a.m.”]
s stairs s f
t there e a a
s stairs s f foiling g t the
t there e
s stairs s
t there
s stairs s f
t there e
s sta
t there e
s stairs s f fo
t there
s stairs
t there e
s stairs s f
t there
t the
s stairs s
t ther
s stairs s f foi
t there e a are
s stairs s f foil
t there e a are
s stairs
t there e a
s stairs s f foil
t there e a are
s stairs s f
t there e a a
s stairs s f foilin
t there e a
s s
t there e
t the
s stairs s f f
t there
s stairs
t there e a
s stairs s
t there e a ar
s stairs s f foiling
t there e a ar
s stairs s
t there e a a
s st
t there e a are e n no o w
s stairs s f foi
t there e a are e n no o
s stairs s f foiling g t the e l light t s stilling g
t there
s stairs s f foiling
t there e a are e n no o w window
s stairs s f foiling g t the e l li
t there e a are
s stairs s f foiling g t the
t there e
s stairs s f foiling g t the
t there e a are e n
s stairs s f foiling g t the e l light t s stilling g e every y m mirror r w wiring g
t there e a are e n no o w wind
s stairs s f foiling g t the
t there e a are e n n
s stairs s f foiling g t the e l light t s stilling g e every y m mirror r w wiring g t then n d drenching g t the e r room m t
t there e a are e n no o w windows s i in n t this s r room m o of f w walls s t there e i is s t the e c cove e t to o w where e o one e d does s n not t g go o t there e a are e o outside e t the e s storms s t the e b body y a aliasing g s stairs s f foiling g t the e l light t s stilling g e e every y m mirror r w wiring g t
s stairs s foiling g t the e l light t s stilling g
t there
s stairs s f fo
t there
s s
t there e a are e n n
s stairs s f foiling g t the
t there
s stairs s f
t there e a are e n n
s st
t there e
s stairs s f foiling g t the
t the
t the
s stairs s f foiling g t the e
t there e a are e n no o w windows
s sta
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Selected transcriptions of automatic writing
gossip’s roots

I liked
the way
it felt I
had no control
I liked
the way
it felt I
had no control

recipe 1
go to house
find a person’s last dream
take your spit
take their blood
tell someone
go to house
find a person’s last dream
take your spit
take their blood
tell someone

recipe 3
for your neighbor
bend 4 metal prongs
on Tuesday
shave all beards
walk sideways
feel the
whither are you
for your neighbor
bend 4 metal prongs
on Tuesday
shave all beards
walk sideways
feel the
whither are you

you put your
mouth near
my mouth and
mouth near
my mouth and

7 years
6 wandering thoughts
5 pieces of saliva
≠ solitude
6 wandering thoughts
5 pieces of saliva
≠ solitude

“story” Daphne
Danger “bleeds”
“story” Daphne
Danger “bleeds”

then i saw
the sun rise
who are
then i saw
the sun rise
who are

Did you hear the news?
Daphne — I saw her
Debbie — I waited
Daughter — she says
Disney — she doesn’t exist
Delta — she calls
Daphne — I saw her
Debbie — I waited
Daughter — she says
Disney — she doesn’t exist
Delta — she calls
The Town Crier (2018)[Excerpt]
So take up a pencil
Sketch an orchid in puce
For the light of the city folds upon itself
in thick
Rain falters from the crown of the sky
You know how it is: tireless, amniotic
The branches of the trees have gone mad with waiting and point accusingly to the codes of their offspring
Lightning highlights the stems of ruby shoots
Sapphire petals
Leaves in its tender wake a trail
Of singed and ruffled branches
Bygone feathers
Songbird casualties
We are copious presence
We are unknowing emergency
Later I will return to the house of my ancestors and though it has long since crumbled to ashes I will open the pages of their daybooks I will see they’ve gone absent without notice lifetimes of pillage vaulted to smithereens. What is the draw of sanity? The scenery and I
I and
the scenery
The scenery and I
I and
the scenery
The scenery and I
I and
The scenery alone
I am
Within earshot of energy
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So take up a pencil
Sketch an orchid in puce
For the light of the city folds upon itself
in thick
Rain falters from the crown of the sky
You know how it is: tireless, amniotic
The branches of the trees have gone mad with waiting and point accusingly to the codes of their offspring
Lightning highlights the stems of ruby shoots
Sapphire petals
Leaves in its tender wake a trail
Of singed and ruffled branches
Bygone feathers
Songbird casualties
We are copious presence
We are unknowing emergency
Later I will return to the house of my ancestors and though it has long since crumbled to ashes I will open the pages of their daybooks I will see they’ve gone absent without notice lifetimes of pillage vaulted to smithereens. What is the draw of sanity? The scenery and I
I and
the scenery
The scenery and I
I and
the scenery
The scenery and I
I and
The scenery alone
I am
Within earshot of energy
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